Monday, June 16, 2008

Cake For Breakfast

Yes, I had cake for breakfast.

I like to bake and we had nothing sweet in the house this weekend, so I made a yellow cake with homemade chocolate buttercream frosting. It was mostly for my husband, who swore he would eat most of it. (He also decided to decorate it with blue crystal sugar and little sugar dots, as if the buttercream frosting weren’t enough of a sugar festival.)

The problem is, if there’s cake in the house, I’m going to eat it. And while cake is definitely in the “after-dinner-for-dessert” category, at night is when my sugars run highest. To solve this dilemma, I’ve gotten used to eating the good stuff for breakfast, when my sugars are most under control, and when I have the rest of the day to compensate with exercise or a few less carbs.

So, for breakfast this morning, I had cake. My sugars were a little high when I woke up because I’ve been fighting another damn cold and running a fever: 107. I ate cake anyway; a smallish piece with a cold glass of milk. Two hours later: 118. Not bad.

Of course, I’ll have to watch that number pretty closely, because the cake is mostly sugar and it may cause a divebomb. Also? When I’m sick? I can run high, but then all of a sudden I’ll shift and be low. More than once this weekend I said a bad word after seeing a 147, and then said another bad word after seeing a 78 an hour and a half later.

But you know what? A few extra blood checks are worth it. That cake for breakfast was really good.

As always, more to come…

UPDATE: I had a yucky day and decided to eat cake for dinner (along with some cauliflower and a few tater tots, eaten separately from the cake). When I went to bed, my sugar was 159. Ick, ick, ick. Now you know why I have cake for breakfast…


Anonymous said...

Man, I wish I was in your position. Cake. 107 to start only 118 2 hours later - no added insulin... Jealous... Call me, Jealous... If I did that, I'd be 400 two hours later... Ugh...

George said...

Sometimes you just gotta do it! Plus, yellow cake with chocolate frosting is about as perfect a cake as you can make!