Friday, June 27, 2008

Plotting And Planning

Back in my “Ever Notice” entry, I said I was going to try to create a spiral pattern on my arm with “dots” from my testing. It was a passing whim when I wrote it, but I’ve since become very serious about this quest.

For the last week, maybe two, I’ve stopped testing on my left arm, my arm of preference, and instead been hitting up my right arm. The left-arm dots have all but vanished and I’m just trying to see if I can smooth out the light callus that’s formed before I start my design. I’m also experimenting a bit on my right arm, figuring out the spacing and such. I don’t want the spiral to be too big, but I want it to be easily identified when pointed out.

As I read this, I realize I may appear slightly crazy to some folks, and completely freaky to others. Some of you, though, may be intrigued with the idea just as much as I am, and anxious to see the results. (I promise to use my husband’s good digital camera so I get a nice shot, and I’ll post it here.) For those who question my sanity, I explain my quest as follows:

*Sometimes I am easily amused by the world around me. Sometimes I have to create my own amusement. This is one of those times.

*Testing is a rote action; like most PWD (look! I’m using the lingo! hope I did it right…), I can test while driving, typing on a keyboard, under a tablecloth in a restaurant, standing up, sitting down, crouching on the floor, holding an open can of diet soda in one hand, etc. It doesn’t take much thought. Not that I want to loose my ability to test under all circumstances and conditions, but this way I’ll be forced to actually think about it. Not sure if that will be good or bad; we’ll see.

*Testing is all about the number. While the number will still be important, obviously, there’s the added excitement of the design emerging. Not only is the number the “big result,” but the spiral will be, too.

*If I can’t have a little fun with needles and blood, what good is it to be a diabetic? Otherwise, I’d have to be a tattoo artist to get this kind of excitement.

Still sound crazy? Yes, I know, but keep it to yourself. I don’t want to scare more people than necessary…

As always, more to come…


Anonymous said...

I think it is a cool idea. Why not have a little fun with the fact that you have to prick yourself multiple times during the day. The glass is really half full.....

Anonymous said...

Go for it, Lora. I love original creativity, and can't wait to see the picture!

Jess said...

This sounds like a lot of fun. :D Can't wait to see the pic.