I think somewhere, deep down inside my fractured thoughts, I have this hidden notion that the reason my test strips are so expensive is the money they sink into creating near indestructible bottles to encase them. Also, I think the little snap-cap containers are fun, and I’m convinced I will find an ultimate use for them some day. I have washed them out and brought salad dressing to work in them. My brother uses them for expensive drill bits. My husband puts his shaving ouch-stick in one when we travel. So I can’t throw them out, and I throw them in this drawer (along with what looks like electrical supplies, a jingle bell from Christmas and some marine glue…)
I Never thought to use an old bottle for anything. I guess if I can "throw away" anything Drelated I will. Great ideas though.
those are awesome ideas and kuddos to you for recycling those my dear that is just awesome and I love recycling things instead of just throwing them out .
I never thought of the salad dressing idea- that's good!
My ex bf used to use them to hold spare screws for his steadi-cam and my nephew used them for lego experiments.
my friend's little girl has requested them to use as Barbi's recycling station. pretty smart for a 6 year old!
I put small quantities of medication (ibuprofen, vitamins, etc.) in them when I travel so I don't have to bring a giant bottle along. Pretty convenient!
I never thought about keeping them before, but now I am going to. I am going to create a string of diabetic test strip vial Christmas lights!
I had to laugh. I'm a packrat too and keep all those neat little bottles.
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