Trashy Girl
I keep my diabetic supplies in the office, right off the living room. Before I go to bed, I step in the office to take my shot and grab supplies to fill my blood kit. I have a garbage can right below my diabetes drawers for easy disposal of all the packaging that seems to come with diabetic supplies.
I threw away a syringe last night and laughed when I looked at my garbage can. Here's a picture.
One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong. Can you tell me which thing is not the like the other?
As always, more to come...
Ummmm...could it be the 3 Musketeers??????
I spy with my little eye, a 3 Musketeers bar. ;)
LOL, hmmm, could it be the 3 Musketeers bar??
I haven't had one in a while, and now I'm thinking about it so your trash will likely make me need to stop for one within the next few days :)
That's awesome! :-)
Now that song is stuck in my head! :(
Hmmmm,I'm going to say the 3 Muskateers bar!
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